Tuesday, November 12, 2013


So yes, it has been awhile since I posted. We really haven't done any major work since we have been moving and I have been in school. I have all of my stuff in the house and Greg does too, finally. Now our basement is home to boxes of random shit we both don't know what to do with. One of the rooms upstairs has become Greg's man den. He has his musical stuff up there and want to move his tv and video games up there too. The other room up stairs is mine. I can't decide what to do with it because I know that eventually I would have to move everything out of it because we want to redo the upstairs. But, that's not going to be for years... still can't bring myself to move anything up the steep steps. Soon I'll cave. On the main level though, we finally have the bedroom switched and set up. We started painting the spare room for Greg's daughter. I bought a couch, chair and ottoman. We can finally have company over now. Hung some new blinds since Greg's dog decided to destroy the other set.

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