Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Semi functional kitchen

Well, I guess it's not really "semi" functional as it has pretty much everything we need. It's just not put together. When we gutted the kitchen I sold off the kitchen sink, stove and dishwasher. They were all crappy and I wanted new appliances. I thought the stove was so gross and dirty, Greg said I should just clean it. But there was no way. The dishwasher looked like it had seen better days. And judging on what shape the house is/was in when I got it, I doubt the owners took care of the appliances. So, I bought new ones. They are bright and shiny and clean! And since we ripped out most of the cabinets I have no where to store stuff, so I am utilizing a industrial shelving unit I got from my mom for my first apartment back in 2000. This thing is our pantry, Tupperware holder, pot and pan storage and spice rack all in one. Our sink is one Greg got from an old job site, it's resting on a demoed cabinet and scrape piece of wood. It works though and even has a garbage disposal! I haven't had one of those in years. So, yea, the kitchen actually is functional, just not pretty. Soon though. Soon.

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